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Youth LEAD lauded for work with Young Key Populations at International AIDS Conference


Youth LEAD Press Release

Youth LEAD Cited as an Example of ‘Good Practices’ of Young Key Populations
Enhancing Community Engagement in the Global AIDS Response

Bangkok, August 2014 - It was a memorable moment for Youth LEAD at the 2014
International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Melbourne, Australia, otherwise known as AIDS2014, as Youth LEAD gained global recognition as a successful youth network. Youth LEAD was cited as a ‘good practices’ example in both a plenary on HIV and Adolescents by UNICEF and in the Youth Rapporteur session. Youth LEAD was recognized and commended for its success, since the organization ensures the strategic engagement of young key populations (YKP) in a variety of different platforms of the AIDS response - from programming, to service delivery, to policy development in various countries within Asia.
During the conference, Youth LEAD actively participated and engaged in multiple roles. In several sessions, the organization showcased its work and the ways in which their country focal points have engaged both policy makers and programmers to advocate for change. During the Opening Ceremony, Ayu Oktariani, one of Youth LEAD’s proactive focal points from Indonesia, was invited to speak at the opening plenary. As a young woman, Oktariani emphasized the importance of community engagement in the global AIDS response. During her speech Oktariani stated, “I’m asking all young people living with HIV and those who care about us, to join hands and work together to make a better world, where young people get the information they need and all people living with HIV are treated with respect.” In a workshop session hosted by Youth LEAD, Journey of a New Generation, focal points from the Philippines, Myanmar and Indonesia shared different success stories of the NewGen Asia Leadership course, which is one of Youth LEAD’s key education programs. Further, with the help of its focal points, Youth LEAD emphasized its work in implementing game-changing programs in several countries with the support of the Robert Carr Network Fund. Setia Perdana, who is the Coordinator of Fokus Muda (Indonesian Young Key Populations Forum) and a Youth LEAD focal point stated, “as a new youth led organization, it was difficult to secure initial funds. Through the support of Youth LEAD, who is a grantee of the Robert Carr Network Fund, it is a boost of energy and support in being able to accomplish our advocacy engagements. Both the Youth at Risk National Action Plan and the National Plan on AIDS with YKP outline how the efforts of YKP advocacy and engagement can make a change in responding to these sensitive issues.”

In addition to actively participating in several sessions, Youth LEAD coordinators and
focal points acted as plenary and panel speakers, facilitators and activists throughout the conference. Jeffry Acaba, who is Youth LEAD’s focal point coordinator from the
Philippines, also acted as an AIDS2014 assistant youth rapporteur. “Being a member of the youth rapporteur team this AIDS2014 made me appreciate the importance of this conference in our work – from celebrating the successes and learning from good practices and past mistakes, to developing new ideas through continuous discussion with different colleagues. More importantly, I think AIDS2014 leveled up young key populations voices into the global AIDS advocacy platform, which is a bold move.” !

Over the years, Youth LEAD’s partnerships with a variety of different UN agencies and
civil society organizations have resulted in the success of the organization. Initially,
Youth LEAD started as a project with the Coalition of Asia Pacific Regional Networks on HIV/AIDS (Seven Sisters), and grew into a strong and independent regional network that works directly with YKP in the Asia Pacific region. Justine Sass, UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Regional AIDS Advisor, shared that, “UNESCO has partnered with Youth LEAD for over four years in collaboration with other UN and civil society partners including UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and Save the Children. Youth LEAD has grown in leaps and bounds during this period, and has really established itself as a regional network with country level impact on youth empowerment and outreach to those most impacted by the AIDS epidemic.” Youth LEAD continues to express its gratitude to various donors who have and who continue to support and believe in the structure and competency of youth led programming.

Following AIDS2014, Youth LEAD looks forward to strengthening its engagement with
focal points, which is critical in sustaining the successes of the youth network. “The
International AIDS Conference is a great platform for engagement, as Youth LEAD has benefited from the networking and learning opportunities that were provided. As an
organization, we believe that receiving international recognition is an acknowledgement
from our partners and fellow community members of the advocacy work that Youth
LEAD has accomplished since our establishment in 2011. Moving forward with this
acknowledgment and support, we hope to strengthen our work at both the regional and
national level, while continuing to advocate for the rights and needs of young key
.” – Thaw Zin Aye, Regional Coordinator, Youth LEAD

To learn more about Youth LEAD and its current programs and initiatives, visit their
website at http://www.youth-lead.org/ or contact us at, info@youth-lead.org.


Youth LEAD is a regional network of and for young key populations most affected by HIV. By emphasizing leadership, education, advocacy, and personal and community development, Youth LEAD strives to accelerate and advance HIV prevention, promote equal sexual and reproductive health rights, and to advocate for positive change in access to comprehensive health and social services. Youth LEAD’s members are drawn from young cohorts of men who have sex with men, transgender people, sex workers, and people who inject drugs, as well as young people living with HIV and young women. Youth LEAD aims to cultivate leadership among key affected populations to improve youth involvement in community, national and regional policy and programming processes.

Website: www.youth-lead.org; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Youth-LEAD/389035624446055 !!!!!

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