UNESCO is currently inviting proposals on Development of an activity-based, modular curriculum resource to address gender discrimination in education settings and School Related Gender Based Violence
1. Nature of Consultancy
To research and develop an activity-based, modular curriculum resource. This resource will be targeted at teachers of children in lower secondary schools in Asia-Pacific, aged 12-14. It will specifically address gender discrimination in education settings and School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV).
2. Purpose of Assignment
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global phenomenon that knows no geographical, cultural, social, economic, ethnic, or other boundaries. It occurs across all societies, represents a violation of human rights, and is a major obstacle to the achievement of gender equality.
In November 2013 a round-table meeting hosted by the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education in collaboration with the East Asia and the Pacific Regional UN Girls’ Education Initiative (EAP UNGEI) and Plan International was held to advance our knowledge and learning in this field, both in terms of what we know about the nature and scope of school related gender-based violence (SRGBV), its impact on individuals, and on how best to address it, including through education.
The consultation brought together experts and key stakeholders involved in the development of research on, or the implementation, monitoring and evaluation, or funding of programmes to address SRGBV. There were over 50 participants who attended the Roundtable Meeting, including government authorities including technical staff from ministries of education involved in national and sub-national GBV efforts, INGOs and NGOs, academic/research institutions, UN and other multilateral organizers, bilateral organizations and young people supporting programming in the area of SRGBV. Countries represented included: China, Fiji, France, India, Indonesia (including Papua), Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, PNG, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, the United Kingdom, the United States and Viet Nam. At this meeting, short, medium and long term plans were developed by the participants with regular sharing of information with UNESCO.
UNESCO has been following up on the outcomes of the regional roundtable meeting on SRGBV to support countries to advance work in this area. There have been significant country-level outcomes which the EAP UNGEI SRGBV Working Group has identified as areas to advance.
To further advance regional and country-level initiatives in addressing SRGBV, under the EAP UNGEI banner, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNiTE and IOM have initiated a collaboration to develop an activity based, modular curriculum resource. This resource will be targeted at teacher teachers of children aged 12-14. The resource will specifically address gender discrimination in education settings and SRGBV. The resource will be designed for adaptation to country contexts throughout the region and for use by teachers and other practitioners such as youth workers and school councillors.
UNESCO will oversee the recruitment and management of a consultant to develop this resource. UNICEF’s support and contribution under the UNGEI banner will be duly acknowledged with the UNGEI and UNICEF logos featuring along with other partners’ logos.
The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that such an activity-based, modular curriculum resource that addresses gender discrimination in education settings and School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV) is produced in collaboration with these EAP UNGEI partner agencies. The assignment specifically includes the development of a draft curriculum resource as detailed below, and a final product that integrates comments from EAP UNGEI partners.
3. Work Assignments
Specify tasks to be performed.
The tasks to be conducted include but are not limited to:
1. Development of a suite of modular teaching and learning materials aimed at teachers of children in lower secondary schools aged 12-14 that address gender discrimination in education settings and School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV). This will include activity-based classroom materials for teachers that fit within curriculum areas and engage children with the idea of addressing gender-discrimination and preventing SRGBV. Each material will include some notes for teachers/practitioners on facilitating the activity. Material content will be agreed on with UNESCO (in consultation with other EAP UNGEI partners) and will likely include gender and sexual identities, relationships, respect and treatment of friends etc., bullying including homophobic and cyber bullying, violence on the way to school, seeking help etc. and focus on non-acceptance of violence in schools and building safe classrooms. In addition a comprehensive teacher manual will be created that includes a rationale for the materials, guidelines on using the materials, adapting them to the local context, and links to further resources on each of the topic areas.
4. Work Schedule
1. Outline of the curriculum resource submitted to UNESCO Bangkok and other regional UNGEI partners by 23 September 2014;
2. Draft resource submitted to UNESCO Bangkok and other regional UNGEI partners by 17 October 2014. (Comments will be received from UNESCO and UNGEI partners approximately 2 weeks from submission of the draft resource);
3. Final curriculum resource to be submitted to UNESCO Bangkok and other regional UNGEI partners no later than 22 November 2014.
5. End Product(s)
A high quality activity-based, modular curriculum resource that specifically addresses gender discrimination in education settings and School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV). The resource should be targeted at teachers of children aged 12-14 in Asia-Pacific and produced to a high quality professional standard. The resource should be easily adaptable to country contexts in the Asia-Pacific region.
6. Estimated Duration of Contract:
12 weeks (01 September 2014 – 22 November 2014).
7. Official Travel Involved
The research institution contracted to undertake this will from its own premises. No travel is involved in this contract.
8. Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required
Indicate qualifications requirement.
• Advanced degree related to a social science, preferably education - including psychology, gender studies, child studies, development studies, public policy or public administration;
• Demonstrated experience working in the thematic areas of education, gender equality and gender based violence, child protection, and prevention of violence;
• Proven track record in developing curriculum resources on related topics including gender, sexuality and violence; demonstrated experience of the development of such resources in the Asia-Pacific region would be an advantage;
• Demonstrated experience in pedagogical practice on related content issues;
• Previous experience working with the UN/multilateral/bilateral institutions, preferably in the Asia-Pacific region;
• Familiarity with the Asia-Pacific region is essential;
• Willingness to provide research funds or any type of matched funding will be considered an asset.
9. Budget and payment schedule
Interested candidates should submit a short (2-3 pages) proposal and estimated budget for completing this activity by 18 August.
Final Fee will be settled subsequent to satisfactory submission of the final deliverable.
If indicated outputs are not satisfactory, payment will be withheld.
10. Contract arrangements
UNESCO Bangkok will issue the contract and be the primary focal point with the selected institution. The supervisor and EAP UNGEI partners will provide guidance to the selected institution on the purpose and content sought for the curriculum module. Further, the supervisor will ensure that within two weeks of its submission, the draft report is returned to the consultant with constructive comments to ensure a rapid finalisation.
Application deadline: 18 August 2014
Applications should be sent to:
Ngo Thanh Loan
Information Assistant
HIV Prevention and Health Promotion Unit
UNESCO Bangkok
Email: tl.ngo@unesco.org